Friday, October 22, 2010

Counting my blessings, 1, 2, 3....

I am truly a blessed person. I have parents who love me and care for me more than any other thing in the world. I have friends who can laugh or listen me when I am up or down. I have superiors who like my effort and appreciate my work. I have people who look up to me for what I do. I have one guiding light. Why should I be complaining? All these bitching about everything? Making everything look so pathetic. I am truly on the track back to normalcy and I really think that soon, things will be ok again. Things will never never be exactly the same. But some flow can return to it. I can revert to my love of work, my love of nature, my love of the clear blue sky. It is ironic that it takes a violent shake-up to put things into perspective. I have truly awoken. It just had to happen. I jumped into sticky glue and wringed and twisted and turned. I got out of it. And now I am enjoying music again. My mind is clear and fresh. Not fully recovered. But well on my way.


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