Looking back and moving on...
It took me about 6 months before the hurt finally healed and I am ready to move on. I remember that day when my face turned red. I remembered the excitment I had. I remembered the pride I had. I remembered the dark clouds. I remembered the closing. I seem to have moved on since then. Truth is, my path is as winding and probably now more contorted than ever. I have taken in some hard hits. I have felt pain. It is all part of growing up. Over these 6 months, I have changed slowly. But I have also slowly but surely screwed up my life. For all the horrible and nasty things I have done and said and implied, I am surely going to be punished. I am scared but I think all these will happen to me soon. If at all, if it makes things easier for all the people who are attached to me. Let it hit me.