Saturday, March 27, 2010

Absolute zero

Over here, it could be cold and frosted,
Where it seems like the atoms are not able to move.
Weird, weird, the laws of physics appears twisted,
Everything seems to be moving in a different groove.

It could be what is left in your pocket,
After a casino trip when you have lost everything.
Ah, that moment, your brain got disconnected from the socket,
You never know what the next bet will bring.

Or when you did not study for the test before,
And you played your favourite computer game.
You wished that you had time, a little more,
But rewind and you would have done the same.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I hear a voice,
a helpful sound.
Something which guides,
my confused mind.

Feels refreshing,
Cool and septic.
But wait, it seems,
It isn't right.

Like alcohol,
Swabbed on before,
the needle pricks,
right through the skin.

It was not real,
Comfort vanishes.
Replaced by pain,
Which lingers on.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Failed this time....


I tripped on a stone,
Everything's in monotone,
But only for a while,
Before I wipe my tile,

Begin on a slate clean,
Righting wrongs which have been,
Once more, I inch ahead,
Finding another target instead.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Relieved but not totally relieved. Finally, I have seen what it is like. Finally, I have learnt how to react to situations like this. Somehow, when I have seen it, the situation does not seem so scary afterall. Another feather in my cap.


Why do some people exist? How can some people get money for not working? For laying at their desks asleep? For passing the buck to others? For running away from their responsibilities? I HATE leeches. Why do I have to face these people everyday?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Seriously, I should be getting back to this. I don't want to make random postings once every 2 years. Step 1: Finding a theme...